Contributing to Cornac ====================== Fork the Repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Click the "Fork" button on the Cornac GitHub repository to create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account. Clone Your Fork ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the following command: .. code-block:: bash git clone Create a New Branch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create a new branch for your contribution: .. code-block:: bash git checkout -b my-feature-branch Make your Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Make your code changes, bug fixes, or improvements to Cornac. Testing your Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Build Cornac on your environment, followed by testing it on an example to ensure your changes are working as expected. 1. To build Cornac on your environment: .. code-block:: bash python3 clean python3 install .. note:: The following packages are required for building Cornac on your environment: ``Cython``, ``numpy``, ``scipy``. If you do not have them, install by using the following commands: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install Cython numpy scipy 2. Run an example depending on what you are fixing/enhancing on. Commit your changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message: .. code-block:: bash git add . git commit -m "Add new feature: " Push to Your Fork ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Push your changes to your GitHub fork: .. code-block:: bash git push origin my-feature-branch Creating a pull request ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once your feature is ready for reviewing, do a pull request for review and merging. 1. Visit your fork on GitHub. 2. Click the "New Pull Request" button. 3. Choose the base repository (PreferredAI/cornac) and branch (main) for your pull request. 4. Write a clear and detailed pull request description. 5. Click "Create Pull Request." View this guide for more information on how to do a pull request. Your pull request will be reviewed by the Cornac maintainers. Please be patient during the review process, and be prepared to address any feedback. Development Guidelines ====================== Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contributions should include relevant and concise documentation. This includes docstrings, comments, and updates to the official documentation when needed. Communication ============= Issues ^^^^^^ If you encounter bugs or have ideas for improvements, create an issue on the GitHub issue tracker at Review Process ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Your pull request will be reviewed by Cornac maintainers. They will provide feedback and request changes if necessary. As this is an open source project, the repository is maintained on a voluntary basis. We thank you for your patience during the review process. License ^^^^^^^ By contributing to Cornac, you agree that your code will be released under the Apache 2.0 License. Make sure to include the appropriate license headers in your files. **Thank you for contributing to Cornac! Your contributions are greatly appreciated and help make Cornac a better tool for everyone.**