Source code for cornac.models.recommender

# Copyright 2018 The Cornac Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import copy
import inspect
import os
import pickle
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from glob import glob

import numpy as np

from ..exception import ScoreException
from ..utils.common import clip

MEASURE_L2 = "l2 distance aka. Euclidean distance"
MEASURE_DOT = "dot product aka. inner product"
MEASURE_COSINE = "cosine similarity"

[docs] def is_ann_supported(recom): """Return True if the given recommender model support ANN search. Parameters ---------- recom : recommender model Recommender object to test. Returns ------- out : bool True if recom supports ANN search and False otherwise. """ return getattr(recom, "_ann_supported", False)
[docs] class ANNMixin: """Mixin class for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search.""" _ann_supported = True
[docs] def get_vector_measure(self): """Getting a valid choice of vector measurement in ANNMixin._measures. Returns ------- :raise NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_user_vectors(self): """Getting a matrix of user vectors serving as query for ANN search. Returns ------- :raise NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_item_vectors(self): """Getting a matrix of item vectors used for building the index for ANN search. Returns ------- :raise NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class Recommender: """Generic class for a recommender model. All recommendation models should inherit from this class. Parameters ---------------- name: str, required Name of the recommender model. trainable: boolean, optional, default: True When False, the model is not trainable. verbose: boolean, optional, default: False When True, running logs are displayed. Attributes ---------- num_users: int Number of users in training data. num_items: int Number of items in training data. total_users: int Number of users in training, validation, and test data. In other words, this includes unknown/unseen users. total_items: int Number of items in training, validation, and test data. In other words, this includes unknown/unseen items. uid_map: int Global mapping of user ID-index. iid_map: int Global mapping of item ID-index. max_rating: float Maximum value among the rating observations. min_rating: float Minimum value among the rating observations. global_mean: float Average value over the rating observations. """ def __init__(self, name, trainable=True, verbose=False): = name self.trainable = trainable self.verbose = verbose self.is_fitted = False # attributes to be ignored when saving model self.ignored_attrs = ["train_set", "val_set", "test_set"] # useful information getting from train_set for prediction self.num_users = None self.num_items = None self.uid_map = None self.iid_map = None self.max_rating = None self.min_rating = None self.global_mean = None self.__user_ids = None self.__item_ids = None @property def total_users(self): """Total number of users including users in test and validation if exists""" return len(self.uid_map) if self.uid_map is not None else self.num_users @property def total_items(self): """Total number of items including users in test and validation if exists""" return len(self.iid_map) if self.iid_map is not None else self.num_items @property def user_ids(self): """Return the list of raw user IDs""" if self.__user_ids is None: self.__user_ids = list(self.uid_map.keys()) return self.__user_ids @property def item_ids(self): """Return the list of raw item IDs""" if self.__item_ids is None: self.__item_ids = list(self.iid_map.keys()) return self.__item_ids def reset_info(self): self.best_value = -np.Inf self.best_epoch = 0 self.current_epoch = 0 self.stopped_epoch = 0 self.wait = 0 def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) ignored_attrs = set(self.ignored_attrs) for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k in ignored_attrs: continue setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v)) return result @classmethod def _get_init_params(cls): """Get initial parameters from the model constructor""" init = getattr(cls.__init__, "deprecated_original", cls.__init__) if init is object.__init__: return [] init_signature = inspect.signature(init) parameters = [p for p in init_signature.parameters.values() if != "self"] return sorted([ for p in parameters])
[docs] def clone(self, new_params=None): """Clone an instance of the model object. Parameters ---------- new_params: dict, optional, default: None New parameters for the cloned instance. Returns ------- object: :obj:`cornac.models.Recommender` """ new_params = {} if new_params is None else new_params init_params = {} for name in self._get_init_params(): init_params[name] = new_params.get(name, copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, name))) return self.__class__(**init_params)
[docs] def save(self, save_dir=None, save_trainset=False): """Save a recommender model to the filesystem. Parameters ---------- save_dir: str, default: None Path to a directory for the model to be stored. save_trainset: bool, default: False Save train_set together with the model. This is useful if we want to deploy model later because train_set is required for certain evaluation steps. Returns ------- model_file : str Path to the model file stored on the filesystem. """ if save_dir is None: return model_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f") model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, "{}.pkl".format(timestamp)) saved_model = copy.deepcopy(self) pickle.dump(saved_model, open(model_file, "wb"), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if self.verbose: print("{} model is saved to {}".format(, model_file)) if save_trainset: pickle.dump( self.train_set, open(model_file + ".trainset", "wb"), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, ) return model_file
[docs] @staticmethod def load(model_path, trainable=False): """Load a recommender model from the filesystem. Parameters ---------- model_path: str, required Path to a file or directory where the model is stored. If a directory is provided, the latest model will be loaded. trainable: boolean, optional, default: False Set it to True if you would like to finetune the model. By default, the model parameters are assumed to be fixed after being loaded. Returns ------- self : object """ if os.path.isdir(model_path): model_file = sorted(glob("{}/*.pkl".format(model_path)))[-1] else: model_file = model_path model = pickle.load(open(model_file, "rb")) model.trainable = trainable model.load_from = model_file # for further loading return model
[docs] def fit(self, train_set, val_set=None): """Fit the model to observations. Parameters ---------- train_set: :obj:``, required User-Item preference data as well as additional modalities. val_set: :obj:``, optional, default: None User-Item preference data for model selection purposes (e.g., early stopping). Returns ------- self : object """ if self.is_fitted: warnings.warn( "Model is already fitted. Re-fitting will overwrite the previous model." ) self.reset_info() train_set.reset() if val_set is not None: val_set.reset() # get some useful information for prediction self.num_users = train_set.num_users self.num_items = train_set.num_items self.uid_map = train_set.uid_map self.iid_map = train_set.iid_map self.min_rating = train_set.min_rating self.max_rating = train_set.max_rating self.global_mean = train_set.global_mean # just for future wrapper to call fit(), not supposed to be used during prediction self.train_set = train_set self.val_set = val_set self.is_fitted = True return self
[docs] def knows_user(self, user_idx): """Return whether the model knows user by its index Parameters ---------- user_idx: int, required The index of the user (not the original user ID). Returns ------- res : bool True if model knows the user from traning data, False otherwise. """ return user_idx is not None and user_idx >= 0 and user_idx < self.num_users
[docs] def knows_item(self, item_idx): """Return whether the model knows item by its index Parameters ---------- item_idx: int, required The index of the item (not the original item ID). Returns ------- res : bool True if model knows the item from traning data, False otherwise. """ return item_idx is not None and item_idx >= 0 and item_idx < self.num_items
[docs] def is_unknown_user(self, user_idx): """Return whether the model knows user by its index. Reverse of knows_user() function, for better readability in some cases. Parameters ---------- user_idx: int, required The index of the user (not the original user ID). Returns ------- res : bool True if model knows the user from traning data, False otherwise. """ return not self.knows_user(user_idx)
[docs] def is_unknown_item(self, item_idx): """Return whether the model knows item by its index. Reverse of knows_item() function, for better readability in some cases. Parameters ---------- item_idx: int, required The index of the item (not the original item ID). Returns ------- res : bool True if model knows the item from traning data, False otherwise. """ return not self.knows_item(item_idx)
[docs] def transform(self, test_set): """Transform test set into cached results accelerating the score function. This function is supposed to be called in the `cornac.eval_methods.BaseMethod` before evaluation step. It is optional for this function to be implemented. Parameters ---------- test_set: :obj:``, required User-Item preference data as well as additional modalities. """ pass
[docs] def score(self, user_idx, item_idx=None): """Predict the scores/ratings of a user for an item. Parameters ---------- user_idx: int, required The index of the user for whom to perform score prediction. item_idx: int, optional, default: None The index of the item for which to perform score prediction. If None, scores for all known items will be returned. Returns ------- res : A scalar or a Numpy array Relative scores that the user gives to the item or to all known items """ raise NotImplementedError("The algorithm is not able to make score prediction!")
[docs] def default_score(self): """Overwrite this function if your algorithm has special treatment for cold-start problem""" return self.global_mean
[docs] def rate(self, user_idx, item_idx, clipping=True): """Give a rating score between pair of user and item Parameters ---------- user_idx: int, required The index of the user for whom to perform item raking. item_idx: int, required The index of the item to be rated by the user. clipping: bool, default: True Whether to clip the predicted rating value. Returns ------- A scalar A rating score of the user for the item """ try: rating_pred = self.score(user_idx, item_idx) except ScoreException: rating_pred = self.default_score() if clipping: rating_pred = clip(rating_pred, self.min_rating, self.max_rating) return rating_pred
[docs] def rank(self, user_idx, item_indices=None, k=-1, **kwargs): """Rank all test items for a given user. Parameters ---------- user_idx: int, required The index of the user for whom to perform item raking. item_indices: 1d array, optional, default: None A list of candidate item indices to be ranked by the user. If `None`, list of ranked known item indices and their scores will be returned. k: int, required Cut-off length for recommendations, k=-1 will return ranked list of all items. This is more important for ANN to know the limit to avoid exhaustive ranking. Returns ------- (ranked_items, item_scores): tuple `ranked_items` contains item indices being ranked by their scores. `item_scores` contains scores of items corresponding to index in `item_indices` input. """ # obtain item scores from the model try: known_item_scores = self.score(user_idx, **kwargs) except ScoreException: known_item_scores = np.ones(self.total_items) * self.default_score() # check if the returned scores also cover unknown items # if not, all unknown items will be given the MIN score if len(known_item_scores) == self.total_items: all_item_scores = known_item_scores else: all_item_scores = np.ones(self.total_items) * np.min(known_item_scores) all_item_scores[: self.num_items] = known_item_scores # rank items based on their scores item_indices = ( np.arange(self.num_items) if item_indices is None else np.asarray(item_indices) ) item_scores = all_item_scores[item_indices] if ( k != -1 ): # O(n + k log k), faster for small k which is usually the case partitioned_idx = np.argpartition(item_scores, -k) top_k_idx = partitioned_idx[-k:] sorted_top_k_idx = top_k_idx[np.argsort(item_scores[top_k_idx])] partitioned_idx[-k:] = sorted_top_k_idx ranked_items = item_indices[partitioned_idx[::-1]] else: # O(n log n) ranked_items = item_indices[item_scores.argsort()[::-1]] return ranked_items, item_scores
[docs] def recommend(self, user_id, k=-1, remove_seen=False, train_set=None): """Generate top-K item recommendations for a given user. Key difference between this function and rank() function is that rank() function works with mapped user/item index while this function works with original user/item ID. This helps hide the abstraction of ID-index mapping, and make model usage and deployment cleaner. Parameters ---------- user_id: str, required The original ID of the user. k: int, optional, default=-1 Cut-off length for recommendations, k=-1 will return ranked list of all items. remove_seen: bool, optional, default: False Remove seen/known items during training and validation from output recommendations. train_set: :obj:``, optional, default: None Training dataset needs to be provided in order to remove seen items. Returns ------- recommendations: list Recommended items in the form of their original IDs. """ user_idx = self.uid_map.get(user_id, -1) if user_idx == -1: raise ValueError(f"{user_id} is unknown to the model.") if k < -1 or k > self.total_items: raise ValueError(f"k={k} is invalid, there are {self.total_users} users in total.") item_indices = np.arange(self.total_items) if remove_seen: seen_mask = np.zeros(len(item_indices), dtype="bool") if train_set is None: raise ValueError("train_set must be provided to remove seen items.") if user_idx < train_set.csr_matrix.shape[0]: seen_mask[train_set.csr_matrix.getrow(user_idx).indices] = True item_indices = item_indices[~seen_mask] item_rank, _ = self.rank(user_idx, item_indices) if k != -1: item_rank = item_rank[:k] recommendations = [self.item_ids[i] for i in item_rank] return recommendations
[docs] def monitor_value(self, train_set, val_set): """Calculating monitored value used for early stopping on validation set (`val_set`). This function will be called by `early_stop()` function. Note: `val_set` could be `None` thus it needs to be checked before usage. Parameters ---------- train_set: :obj:``, required User-Item preference data as well as additional modalities. val_set: :obj:``, optional, default: None User-Item preference data for model selection purposes (e.g., early stopping). Returns ------- :raise NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def early_stop(self, train_set, val_set, min_delta=0.0, patience=0): """Check if training should be stopped when validation loss has stopped improving. Parameters ---------- train_set: :obj:``, required User-Item preference data as well as additional modalities. val_set: :obj:``, optional, default: None User-Item preference data for model selection purposes (e.g., early stopping). min_delta: float, optional, default: 0. The minimum increase in monitored value on validation set to be considered as improvement, i.e. an increment of less than `min_delta` will count as no improvement. patience: int, optional, default: 0 Number of epochs with no improvement after which training should be stopped. Returns ------- res : bool Return `True` if model training should be stopped (no improvement on validation set), otherwise return `False`. """ self.current_epoch += 1 current_value = self.monitor_value(train_set, val_set) if current_value is None: return False if np.greater_equal(current_value - self.best_value, min_delta): self.best_value = current_value self.best_epoch = self.current_epoch self.wait = 0 else: self.wait += 1 if self.wait >= patience: self.stopped_epoch = self.current_epoch if self.stopped_epoch > 0: print("Early stopping:") print("- best epoch = {}, stopped epoch = {}".format(self.best_epoch, self.stopped_epoch)) print( "- best monitored value = {:.6f} (delta = {:.6f})".format( self.best_value, current_value - self.best_value ) ) return True return False
[docs] class NextBasketRecommender(Recommender): """Generic class for a next basket recommender model. All next basket recommendation models should inherit from this class. Parameters ---------------- name: str, required Name of the recommender model. trainable: boolean, optional, default: True When False, the model is not trainable. verbose: boolean, optional, default: False When True, running logs are displayed. Attributes ---------- num_users: int Number of users in training data. num_items: int Number of items in training data. total_users: int Number of users in training, validation, and test data. In other words, this includes unknown/unseen users. total_items: int Number of items in training, validation, and test data. In other words, this includes unknown/unseen items. uid_map: int Global mapping of user ID-index. iid_map: int Global mapping of item ID-index. """ def __init__(self, name, trainable=True, verbose=False): super().__init__(name=name, trainable=trainable, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def score(self, user_idx, history_baskets, **kwargs): """Predict the scores for all items based on input history baskets Parameters ---------- history_baskets: list of lists The list of history baskets in sequential manner for next-basket prediction. Returns ------- res : a Numpy array Relative scores of all known items """ raise NotImplementedError("The algorithm is not able to make score prediction!")
[docs] class NextItemRecommender(Recommender): """Generic class for a next item recommender model. All next item recommendation models should inherit from this class. Parameters ---------------- name: str, required Name of the recommender model. trainable: boolean, optional, default: True When False, the model is not trainable. verbose: boolean, optional, default: False When True, running logs are displayed. Attributes ---------- num_users: int Number of users in training data. num_items: int Number of items in training data. total_users: int Number of users in training, validation, and test data. In other words, this includes unknown/unseen users. total_items: int Number of items in training, validation, and test data. In other words, this includes unknown/unseen items. uid_map: int Global mapping of user ID-index. iid_map: int Global mapping of item ID-index. """ def __init__(self, name, trainable=True, verbose=False): super().__init__(name=name, trainable=trainable, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def score(self, user_idx, history_items, **kwargs): """Predict the scores for all items based on input history items Parameters ---------- history_items: list of lists The list of history items in sequential manner for next-item prediction. Returns ------- res : a Numpy array Relative scores of all known items """ raise NotImplementedError("The algorithm is not able to make score prediction!")