Contributing to Cornac#

Fork the Repository#

Click the “Fork” button on the Cornac GitHub repository to create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

Clone Your Fork#

Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

Create a New Branch#

Create a new branch for your contribution:

git checkout -b my-feature-branch

Make your Changes#

Make your code changes, bug fixes, or improvements to Cornac.

Testing your Changes#

Build Cornac on your environment, followed by testing it on an example to ensure your changes are working as expected.

  1. To build Cornac on your environment:

python3 clean
python3 install


The following packages are required for building Cornac on your environment: Cython, numpy, scipy.

If you do not have them, install by using the following commands:

pip3 install Cython numpy scipy
  1. Run an example depending on what you are fixing/enhancing on.

Commit your changes#

Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message:

git add .
git commit -m "Add new feature: <Your Feature Name>"

Push to Your Fork#

Push your changes to your GitHub fork:

git push origin my-feature-branch

Creating a pull request#

Once your feature is ready for reviewing, do a pull request for review and merging.

  1. Visit your fork on GitHub.

  2. Click the “New Pull Request” button.

  3. Choose the base repository (PreferredAI/cornac) and branch (main) for your pull request.

  4. Write a clear and detailed pull request description.

  5. Click “Create Pull Request.”

View this guide for more information on how to do a pull request.

Your pull request will be reviewed by the Cornac maintainers. Please be patient during the review process, and be prepared to address any feedback.

Development Guidelines#


Contributions should include relevant and concise documentation. This includes docstrings, comments, and updates to the official documentation when needed.



If you encounter bugs or have ideas for improvements, create an issue on the GitHub issue tracker at PreferredAI/cornac#issues.

Review Process#

Your pull request will be reviewed by Cornac maintainers. They will provide feedback and request changes if necessary.

As this is an open source project, the repository is maintained on a voluntary basis. We thank you for your patience during the review process.


By contributing to Cornac, you agree that your code will be released under the Apache 2.0 License. Make sure to include the appropriate license headers in your files.

Thank you for contributing to Cornac! Your contributions are greatly appreciated and help make Cornac a better tool for everyone.